Upcoming Events

October 2020

Level one astronomy course commences

Rossall Speaker Series: Moon Watcher
Monday 24th February 2020, doors open 7.00pm for 7:30pm start
£10 per person or £25 for 3-lecture series

Explore our beautiful, natural satellite, The Moon. This most majestic night sky object is often overlooked, yet is free to view for all of us. Through a history of observation and exploration, learn some surprising facts and map the Moon for yourself. This ‘How? Why? When?’ session on the Moon will see you leave knowing exactly what you’re looking at and hopefully foster a greater appreciation for our neighbouring rock.


May 2020

Rossall Speaker Series: Star Trek: Fact or Fiction?
Monday 18th May 2020, doors open 7.00pm for 7:30pm start
£10 per person or £25 for 3-lecture series

In the final lecture in our Astronomy series, we explore the ins and outs of space travel and delve into Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek universe. How much of the fictional adventures are actually fact? Can we really travel at ‘Warp factor 10’, and can we really have Scotty ‘beam’ us up, and if not, why not?
While the Starship Enterprise is still a work of fiction, find out how we’d benefit from the technology in reality.



The Sir Francis Graham-Smith Annual Lecture

Sir Francis is an Ex Astronomer Royal, and an Old Rossallian.
A wonderful link to Rossall’s heritage and that of Lawrence House, Sir Francis also formally opened the Astronomy Centre in 2008.